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Confidence is just Knowing.

Updated: May 12, 2023

We must only believe a thing until we know it, and then we don’t have to believe it anymore!

I think you’d agree, it doesn’t matter what industry you work in or in what part of the world you live, confidence is key if you’re going to achieve more in life. Confidence is an asset and a stable foundation for all your accomplishments.

I love the word Better.

Because there is always a better way if you look hard enough. When you find it, the big deciding factor in whether you take the leap of faith, or stay where you are, is going to be your confidence. Do you find yourself held back by lack of confidence or fear of failure?

Confidence, faith, and belief are just the same as me, myself, and I. They are the same thing, and they are all built upon the same the thing, Trust. To trust someone (including yourself!), is to rely on them for something that’s going to impact you. If you have faith in something, you believe it will happen and this makes you confident! The opposite of faith is fear. Fear is not knowing and not trusting.

Confidence is knowing.

Imagine this, you are living in Naas and drive to Dublin every day for work, a short 30 minute drive. You know how to drive a car, you know what roads to take, you know the dangers on the road, you know the rules of the road, you know where your place of work is, you know what time to be there for and what time you have to leave at. You know everything about getting to work, which massively increases your confidence to accomplish the journey!

However, imagine landing in a foreign country and someone gives you a job which you must drive to get to. But you’ve never drove a car before, you don’t know the rules of the road, and you don’t know where your work is located. Where would your confidence be then? Probably down through the floor!

You see confidence really is just knowing.

So what should you know about, to best build your confidence?

You need to study three things: yourself, your surroundings, and yourself in relation to your surroundings. Think about it! Knowing is got from understanding, the only way to understand is to study consistently and then take action to change it.

You need to make sure; you know the Truth about you and the world around you. If you’re not happy with your income, relationships, or health; then you need to start studying. When you know the Truth about your potential, your confidence will skyrocket!

The more you believe in yourself, the more you will believe in others. Take responsibility to build and grow your confidence to improve your service to others. Inspire others with your confidence. Remember Confidence is key but it’s an inside job, if you don’t build it, no one else will!

I’m John Douglas, a Personal Development Coach based in Wicklow, Ireland. My Vision for my life is to directly influence 1,000 people through my mentorship, so they can create a happier, healthier, wealthier life by achieving their goals. If something in this article inspires you, I’d love to hear it, so please get in touch!

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