— Why I Started
Helping People Taste Freedom As I Do:
Not long ago, I was in the same place that you are today: unhappy, unfulfilled and underpaid. But my life turned around completely when I met my mentor. He opened my eyes to the world of unlimited potential and helped me unleash my earning capacity.
After that experience, I wondered what it would be like to spend each day working to change people's lives, in the same way my mentor changed mine. That's why I started John Douglas Consulting & Coaching

— About
John Douglas
I help my clients break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life's too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled.
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— My Mission
To Guide A Generation Towards Financial Independence:
My life's mission is to light the way for people who're lost — people who're looking for a better, fulfilled life but don't know where to find it.
I want to break them from the negative thoughts that tell them that they're not worth it and that they don't deserve a happy, comfortable life. I want to open their eyes and help them see the world of potential that's right in front of them. I want to teach them the knowledge of wealth that only a few possess. Finally, I want them to experience the true meaning of freedom.

— Access Immediately —
FREE Workshop:
How I Doubled My Income In 1 Month
A FREE Workshop for people who're dissatisfied with their current income and are looking to multiply their earning potential within a relatively short period of time.